What Can Mini Rex Rabbits Eat?

Characterized by their luxurious, velvety fur, Mini Rex rabbits are popular as both pets and show rabbits. The National Mini Rex Rabbit Club recognizes 17 different varieties of Mini Rex, ranging in color from white to black. When you first get your Mini Rex, ask the breeder or pet store employee what type of food your rabbit has been eating. Because rabbits are very sensitive to dietary changes, new food should be introduced gradually to avoid upsetting your Mini Rex's digestive system. Weighing in at about 4 lbs., Mini Rex rabbits do not have any sort of protective fur on their foot pads. Because of this lack, Mini Rex rabbits can develop foot pad problems if they become overweight. The proper diet will help your Mini Rex stay at its ideal weight.
  1. Hay

    • The most important component of your Mini Rex's diet should be hay. Ideally, it should make up 75 percent or more of your rabbit's diet. Chewing the hay contributes to your Mini Rex's dental health, and the fiber is necessary for your rabbit's digestive tract. Provide your Mini Rex with unlimited grass hay such as Bermuda, brome, Johnson, oat, orchard or the widely-available Timothy hay.


    • Although commercial pellets are healthy, rabbits tend to over-indulge. While baby rabbits can have unlimited pellets, once they reach the age of seven months, you must start restricting their pellet intake. Experts recommend 1/4 to 1/2 cup daily for a 6 lb. adult rabbit. Because Mini Rex rabbits average about 4 lbs., you need to feed your rabbit slightly less than this amount. Choose pellets that have more than 18 percent fiber. Ideally, the pellets should contain between 20 and 25 percent fiber.

    Fresh Greens and Vegetables

    • Feed your Mini Rex a limited amount of greens and vegetables, approximately 1 cup per day. Good, healthy choices include broccoli, carrot tops, chicory, cilantro, collards, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, kale, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, parsley, romaine and turnip greens. You can also give your Mini Rex beet tops, chard and spinach; however, only give your rabbit these foods once a week because they contain oxalates that can quickly reach toxic levels in rabbits. While feeding your rabbit a variety of greens is healthy, be sure to introduce new greens gradually.

    Fresh Fruits

    • Small pieces of fresh fruits make excellent snacks that satisfy your rabbit's sweet tooth. Your Mini Rex will love apples, pineapples, bananas and strawberries. Give your rabbit no more than 1 tbsp. of fruit a day. Because fruits are high in sugar and calories, they can cause health problems in rabbits.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Do not feed your adult Mini Rex legume hays such as alfalfa hay. Legume hays are too high in calories, calcium and protein. For the same reasons, avoid alfalfa-based pellets for adult rabbits. Pellets that contain corn, dried fruit, nuts and seed are too high in fat and starch. Consumption of these pellets can lead to intestinal blockages. Never feed your Mini Rex beans, potatoes or iceberg lettuce.