How to Breed Tame Rabbits

Rabbits are not a difficult species to breed. If you follow a few simple tips, you will have baby bunnies in no time. Female and male rabbits typically do not need a lot of coaxing to participate in the mating process. A rabbit's gestation period is usually 28 to 32 days, but can be as long as 35 days. Make sure prior to breeding your rabbits that you are prepared for the litter.


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      Introduce your rabbits. Always take the female to the male's cage. Rabbits can be extremely territorial and if you take the male to the female's cage, there may be fighting.

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      Keep the rabbits together in the cage for two mating sessions. Typically the rabbits will mate two times. You must be carefully watching the rabbits, as this can happen very quickly. Typically the buck ejaculates his semen into the doe and then falls over with a grunt or a squeal. Sometimes the male rabbit will start thumping the floor after he finishes his duty.

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      Prevent the female from urinating for at least 30 minutes, as there is a small chance that this will wash out the sperm. The best way for you to prevent this from happening is to keep her in the male's cage during this time. While they are together in the cage, stay close by, so you can monitor their behavior. If at any time they show signs of aggression, remove the female.

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      Remove the female from the male's cage. When you return her to her cage, reward her by providing extra hay and some food. This may help deter her from urinating for an even longer period of time.

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      Watch your female rabbit's mood. If your female is pregnant, you may notice a cranky mood within a few days. This is completely normal. Your best bet is to leave her alone and in her cage. She may just need some space.

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      Prepare for the birth of the baby bunnies. Add a nest box to her cage about seven days prior to the birth.

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      To make sure your bunnies become comfortable with humans, handle them from day one. Make sure that you handle each and every baby so that the mother smells you on the bunnies. According to Greentree Bunnies, if one bunny smells different from the rest, she will kill that baby.