How to Know When Your Rabbits Are Going to Have Babies

Unlike some animals that mate only in the spring or under certain circumstances, rabbits are avid breeders that can mate at almost any time. They breed year-round, and, as induced-ovulators, a female rabbit will go into heat after it's been exposed to a male. This pacing, paired with a month-long gestation period, can often lead to surprise liters for rabbit owners. Narrowing down when you think the female may have been impregnated, and looking for signs that it's pregnant, can help you better understand when your rabbit will have babies.

Things You'll Need

  • Calendar
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    • 1

      Mark down the date you think the female rabbit was impregnated, if you're aware she was exposed to a male. Rabbits can get pregnant any time of the year, so keep a watchful eye on the female and look for other signs of pregnancy even if it was only with a male for a short time.

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      Count 25 days from the time you think the breeding occurred and mark it on your calendar, as well as the 32- and 35-day marks. Most rabbits will have a gestation period between 28 and 35 days. Thirty-two is the average number of days a rabbit will carry its litter.

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      Analyze the rabbit's mood if you think it might be pregnant. Like humans and other animals, pregnancy hormone swings can make the animal act more aggressive than it normally would.

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      Palpate the rabbit to see if it is pregnant. You should be able to feel the litter in the female's belly about 10 days after conception. To palpate, set your rabbit on a flat surface where it can't fall off. Put one hand under its belly just above the pubic area. Gently feel for bumps the size of grapes, which will be the kits. If you're not comfortable handling the rabbit yourself, take it to a veterinarian, who will be able to palpate and know if its expecting.

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      Watch your rabbit to see if it prepares for the kits' arrival. Rabbit mothers-to-be will create a nest from its hair and other materials in its cage. It will also rip out the hair around its nipples so the kits can have easier access to milk.