How to Care For Lethargic Rabbits

Lethargy may be a sign of illness or depression in rabbits, and it is a sign that something is wrong with your pet. While all rabbits are different and some are certainly more lively and active than others, a rabbit that is not interested in the world around it or refuses treats may have a serious medical problem. Pay attention to your rabbit and if you notice that it is turning down treats and is uninterested in playing take action at once.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Paper bag
  • Scissors
  • Cat toys
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    • 1

      Take your rabbit to the veterinarian, especially if it has turned down its favorite treats two days in a row. While missing a treat one day might just mean that the rabbit is uninterested, regular disinterest is a sign that something is wrong. A visit to the veterinarian helps the rabbit get treatment for possible illness, which can cause lethargy.

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      Place a few sheets of newspaper in the rabbit's cage. Rabbits love to shed paper and when they are confined to their cage, the shredding helps them stay active and alert.

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      Cut the bottom out of a paper bag and place it in the cage. Rabbits enjoy crawling into things, and the two openings allow them more access to the bag.

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      Place your rabbit's cage in an active part of the house. Rabbits are social creatures, and if they are too isolated, they can become lonely and lethargic.

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      Give your rabbit cat toys which it can roll around its cage.

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      Allow the rabbit out of its cage for two to three hours a day while you watch it. Supervise your rabbit to ensure that it does not chew any wires or furniture. Not only does this give your rabbit the exercise it needs, it also provides the rabbit with valuable mental stimulation.