How to Prepare a Rabbit Cage

If you have added a rabbit to your household, you'll need a place for it to stay when unattended. For this, you could choose a hutch or a cage. If choosing a cage, the rabbit needs to be housed indoors. Keep the cage clean, replacing the bedding at least twice a week. Also make sure your pet rabbit gets plenty of exercise time outside the cage. The more time you spend with your rabbit the friendlier and more playful it will be.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • Hay
  • Wood shavings
  • Water bottle
  • Food dish
  • Pellet chow
  • Toys
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      Place the cage indoors, out of direct sunlight and out of the path of a draft. Your rabbit will prefer a place with a constant temperature. Also make sure other pets who might harm your rabbit do not have access to the cage.

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      Spread wood shavings or other bedding in the bottom of the cage. Remember to change this out frequently to keep the cage clean. Rabbits do not like to live in filth.

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      Fill a water bottle with water and attach it to the cage. Make sure the bottle always has fresh water for your rabbit.

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      Fill the food dish with pellet chow and place it in the cage. Also give your rabbit fresh hay. Daily, you should supplement its diet with fresh vegetables, but do not give it iceberg lettuce as it can cause runny stools.

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      Put a toy or two in the cage. Do not put in so many toys that your bunny is crowded, but having something to play with keep it from being bored. Schedule lots of play time with your pet rabbit.