How to Cure a Rabbit of Heat Exertion

Rabbits are prone to suffering from overexertion or overheating when exposed to high temperatures. This condition is referred to as heat exhaustion and can be fatal if it is not treated immediately. Rabbits are unable to withstand temperatures of 84 degrees or higher. This is due to the fact that the rabbit's only sweat glands are located around the mouth, which is inefficient for expelling heat. A rabbit suffering from heat exhaustion will exhibit symptoms such as lack of coordination and convulsions. The rabbit may also slip into a coma. Heat exhaustion can be prevented by ensuring that cool drinking water and shade are available to the rabbit at all times.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Towel
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      Move the rabbit to a cool place that is out of the sun. Use air conditioning or a fan to cool the temperature in the room if possible.

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      Fill a spray bottle with water of a tepid temperature. Spray the rabbit with the water, concentrating on the ears, which are a part of the body where the rabbit can expel the most heat. Avoid using extremely cold water to spray the rabbit as this could cause shock. Act quickly to save the rabbit's life. Soak a towel in tepid water and wrap the rabbit in it to lower his overall body temperature.

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      Call your local veterinarian. If you need to transport your rabbit by car, ensure that the air conditioning is turned up in the car to keep the rabbit cool.