How to Fix a Rabbit's Cuts

While rabbits are hardy animals, they are occasionally prone to scratches, cuts and scrapes. They may acquire them from accidents while they are free-ranging or from other animals that they encounter. Rabbits do not show pain easily, so the first sign of a problem may be you physically discovering the cut. Taking care of your rabbit's cut is typically a straightforward process and can be handled in the home.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton ball
  • Hydrogen peroxide
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    • 1

      Look at the cut. If there are any signs of infection, such as redness, heat, pus or swelling, take the rabbit to the veterinarian.

    • 2

      Determine the cause of the cut if at all possible. If the cut was created by something rusty or by another animal, take the rabbit to the veterinarian

    • 3

      Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide.

    • 4

      Dab the cut gently with hydrogen peroxide until it is clean.

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      Repeat three times a day for a week or until the wound is closed and healed. If the wound refuses to heal, take the rabbit to the veterinarian.