How to Freeze Rabbit Food

Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they eat primarily vegetables, but many rabbit owners feed their pets a pellet mix from the pet store as well. One risk with pellet food or vegetables that are kept too long is that they can go bad or get insects in them. Freezing the food can help prevent bugs from getting to it and delay the food from rotting but care needs to be used so the cold air doesn't damage the food.

Things You'll Need

  • Resealable plastic bag
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      Place the rabbit food into a plastic bag that can be sealed. The plastic helps protect the food against moisture.

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      Push down on the bag to remove all the air. Any air that remains in the bag can speed up the process of the food going stale. Seal the bag once the air is out of the plastic.

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      Place the bag in the freezer. Keep it away from the freezer vents so the food won't get freezer burn. Only freeze the bag for a few days to kill off insect eggs. Prolonging the freezing process could damage the food and cause it to lose nutritional value.