Things You'll Need
- Twigs
- Small branches
- Chicken wire or hardware cloth (optional)
- Brush (optional)
- Shrubbery (optional)
Avoid putting out fruits and vegetables as a winter food source for rabbits. This can attract other animals you may not want in your yard, such as raccoons and possums. Also, the rabbits may start relying on you as a food source rather than looking for food on their own.
Protect cooler weather plants you do not wish rabbits to feed on by putting up chicken wire or hardware cloth in desired areas.
Place small branches and twigs from fall pruning on the ground in your yard for rabbits to eat during the winter. Rabbits consume twigs, branches, young trees, and shrub buds in the winter.
Instruct children not to feed the rabbits or run at the rabbits, which will frighten the rabbits and cause them to run away.