Indoor Rabbit Cage Instructions

An indoor rabbit cage must be set up and cared for very specifically in order to ensure the health of your pet. Your rabbit will call this cage home, so you, in turn, will have to maintain the cage to ensure that your rabbit lives as long as possible. You can also take steps to avoid or at least subdue the smells and odors that are commonly associated with rabbits and rabbit cages.


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      Pick an indoor rabbit cage that is an adequate size for your rabbit. The Humane Society recommends that the size of the cage should be at least five times the size of the actual rabbit. This gives the rabbit the room they need to move around and exercise, allowing them to be as healthy as possible.

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      Put a hollow object inside your rabbit cage that your rabbit can use to hide. Rabbits like to hide in dark, secluded areas and being inside a cage will be no exception. Pet stores sell objects like hollowed out pieces of wood or small boxes for this specific reason. Rabbits will also use this same location to sleep.

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      Add to your rabbit cage a rabbit water bottle and a litter box for your animal to use as a bathroom. Your rabbit will need both of these things to ensure that it stays properly hydrated and has a set place to defecate when the need arises. One area in the cage should also be the designated food area, giving your rabbit a place to look for food throughout the day.

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      Cover any wire flooring in your rabbit cage with a piece of board or another type of flat object. Leaving the wires on the bottom of your rabbit cage (if applicable) exposed can ultimately end up hurting your rabbit's feet.