All rabbits will drink out of ceramic bowls. Make sure the bowl has a lip that is low enough for smaller rabbits to reach over. Choose a ceramic bowl with a heavy bottom so the rabbit cannot push it over.
Water Bottles
Water bottles are easy to remove and refill as they hang on the outside of the hutch. Some rabbits will not drink from them, however, and other rabbits need to be taught how to drink from them.
Replace the water inside the water bottle or the watering dish at least once a day. Every week, rinse out both bottle and dish with clean water and allow them to dry completely. If you have a water bottle, rinse out the nozzle to ensure that algae does not grow in it.
Rabbit Watering Systems
Because most pet rabbits live on a supply of pellets and alfalfa hay, they need to receive their water from other sources. Rabbits should always have a supply of fresh water available to them at all times.