How to Control Odors From a Male Pet Rabbit

A male rabbit can make a wonderful pet and playmate, but the odors that come with the animals are often unpleasant. Like any animal, rabbits require constant care and attention. You must regularly groom the animal and take care of its habitat or foul odors will find their way into your home. You can take a few steps to keep male rabbit odors from becoming a problem.

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Water
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      Rinse the rabbit's litter box thoroughly when you change it. You might consider giving it a white vinegar rinse to keep any residue from building up, which can lead to odor. Wash the bottom of the box, too, as it can pick up grime and odor. Change the litter box every day. Line the box with newspaper to make the job easier.

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      Check under or around the box for urine, and wipe it up immediately if you find any. Again, use white vinegar and water to rinse the area thoroughly to keep any odors from sticking around.

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      Spay or neuter your rabbit. Besides having other benefits, this will keep your rabbit from spraying urine everywhere. The urine and fecal matter from spayed and neutered rabbits has less odor as well, according to the University of Miami.

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      Keep the rabbit in a wire-mesh cage to promote ventilation and make cleaning easier. Keep the cage away from vents or radiators, however.

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      Attach the rabbit's food and water containers to the cage, as the rabbit will contaminate or tip over any dishes on the cage floor and soak the bedding.

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      Groom the pet regularly. Rabbits shed every three months, so groom your pet regularly to reduce the amount of hair the rabbit ingests.