How to Control the Odor of Stinky Pet Rabbits

Though rabbits can make great pets, they can also cause a huge stink - literally. Thankfully, many of the causes are easily solved, as most are related to cage hygiene rather than the rabbit itself. Here are a few ways to help reduce the odor caused by a pet rabbit.


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      Thoroughly rinse the litter box when changing the rabbit's litter, and wipe the area around the box as well, for any stray urine. Build-up of urine can quickly start to smell, making the rabbit's living environment unpleasant for human and rabbit alike.

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      Spay or neuter your pet rabbit. Spaying or neutering will help reduce odor, in addition to imparting a host of other potential health benefits.

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      Buy products specially formulated to reduce pet rabbit odor. Some additives can be sprinkled into litter which will help reduce odor. Others are added to the rabbit's water to reduce the smell from the inside.

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      Groom the rabbit occasionally, particularly while shedding or when soiled with food or waste.

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      Wash cage accessories at least once a week, and wipe them off when soiled. Clean and dry the entire cage once every month to maintain adequate hygiene.

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      If your rabbit has excessively foul feces or urine, or seems to be eliminating waste more frequently than normal, a visit to the vet's office may be in order.