Rabbit Health and a Runny Nose

Just like humans, rabbits can get runny noses from time to time and, as with people, this is a sign that something is wrong. It might be a simple cold or something more serious but, either way, if your rabbit is showing this symptom, it's important to get it diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.
  1. Identification

    • Rabbits' noses are usually dry so, if your rabbit is suffering from a runny nose, it should be easy to identify. Your rabbit might also display other symptoms, such as runny eyes, sneezing and difficulty breathing. According to Dr. Nickol Finch from Washington State University, you can tell a lot about your rabbit's health just by watching it. He says rabbits should be alert and have regular, unlabored breathing.


    • If your rabbit has a runny nose, this is usually a sign of an underlying health problem. This might be easily treatable but it could also be something that requires more attention. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent an illness from becoming more serious, so it's important to pay attention to the warning signs and seek advice from a veterinarian rather than trying to help the rabbit yourself.


    • There are several possible causes of a runny nose in rabbits. Diana Krempels of Miami University cites a condition veterinarians call "snuffles," which is similar to a human cold but is caused by bacteria. A lower respiratory tract infection and dental problems could also be responsible for this symptom. Krempels also says that rabbits can develop a runny nose or a nasal infection if pieces of hay or other foreign objects become lodged in their nostrils.


    • An accurate diagnosis will enable your veterinarian to prescribe the correct treatment for your rabbit's runny nose. If it is caused by "snuffles," the vet will prescribe antibiotics to clear the bacterial infection. Checking your rabbit's teeth monthly as well as ensuring it is exposed to minimal levels of stress will reduce the chances of it contracting an infection. This includes regulating its living temperature, treating other health problems quickly and making it as comfortable as possible when traveling.


    • If your rabbit is suffering from a runny nose, it is important to separate it from other animals. Dr. Nickol Finch advises owners against exposing their pet to other animals if they suspect it might be ill. Even if the rabbit's symptoms are mild, a runny nose can be caused by the stress of another condition. Therefore, it is important to get advice and treatment from a veterinarian; otherwise, you risk exposing other animals to a potentially dangerous illness.