How to Treat Snuffles With Terramycin

Snuffles is one of the most common diseases plaguing rabbit owners. Snuffles, also known as Pasteurellosis, is a bacterial respiratory disease occurring in rabbits of all ages and breeds. Characterized by thick nasal discharge and chronic sneezing, snuffles can be fatal if left untreated. Snuffles is typically treated with an antibiotic such as Terramycin that retards bacterial growth and stops the bacteria from synthesizing protein and reproducing.

Things You'll Need

  • Isolation hutch
  • Water bottle
  • Stainless steel feed dish
  • Rabbit feed
  • Terramycin powder
  • Measuring spoons
  • Water
  • Applesauce
  • Bowl
  • Syringe
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      Take your rabbit to your veterinarian for a thorough examination. Your vet will run a number of tests on your rabbit, including blood tests and cytology tests, to determine what type of bacteria is causing the snuffles. He will also advise you of the proper dose of Terramycin to give your rabbit according to the weight of your rabbit--typically 1/8 tsp. for every pound of body weight given daily for 14 days.

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      Isolate the sick rabbit away from the rest of your rabbits to minimize transmission of snuffles. It is an extremely contagious disease that can be passed from rabbit to rabbit through direct contact or indirect contact such as coughing or sneezing, so move your rabbit at least 10 yards away from the healthy rabbits. Place a new water bottle and a stainless steel feed dish in the isolation hutch, as steel can be properly disinfected after being used by a sick rabbit. Keep the feed dish full at all times to encourage your rabbit to eat and maintain its strength.

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      Add the proper dose of Terramycin powder to the water bottle and fill it with clean water, screwing the lid on tightly and shaking gently to combine. Most healthy rabbits will consume a full water bottle every day, so make sure to refill it every day for 14 days.

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      Sprinkle the Terramycin powder over your rabbit's food if it does not want to drink from the water bottle. Sprinkle a few drops of water over the food and stir to coat each piece of food. The powder will stick to its feed and the rabbit will consume it with the normal rations.

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      Force-feed your rabbit the medication if it refuses to eat it with the feed. Mix a dose of the powder with 2 tbsp. applesauce in a small bowl, drawing the mixture into a clean syringe. Hold the rabbit gently and place the syringe at the back of its mouth, slowly depressing the syringe until the rabbit has eaten all of the applesauce mixture. Repeat this dosing process for the full 14-day course to make sure your rabbit returns to a normal, healthy state.