How to Tell the Difference Between a Girl & a Boy Bunny

Whether you're an aspiring animal tracker or just looking for a new pet, you don't need to be a rabbit expert to tell the difference between a boy and girl bunny. Once bunnies are older than about a month, you can often see at a distance the distinguishing features of female does and male bucks. If the bunny is young or you can't tell but can get up close, you can determine the sex of a rabbit quickly.


  1. At a Distance

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      Look at the bunny's overall shape. A doe generally has a head and body that is rounder than a buck's.

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      Compare body sizes. Does are usually larger than bucks.

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      Look for a fold of skin under the bunny's chin. Does of medium to large breeds have this fold, called a dewlap. However, not all breeds have this fold.

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      Look for testicles between the rabbit's legs, a telltale sign that it is a male.

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      If you still can't determine the sex of the bunny but can get close enough to pick it up, follow the next steps.

    Close Inspection

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      Get a firm grasp of the rabbit and turn it over on its back with its legs pointing towards you, making sure its feet are above its head.

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      If you see nipples, the bunny is a female. However, just because there are no nipples does not mean it is a male. Further inspection is required.

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      Once the bunny relaxes, use one hand to firmly grip it and the other to gently separate its hind legs.

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      Look for two openings near the base of the tail. The furthest opening from the tail contains the genitals.

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      Use your index finger and thumb to apply pressure to either side of the genitals.

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      Closely inspect the protrusion.

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      If you see a tubular shape that is light pink and features a rounded tip with a small round opening, you have a male.

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      If the protrusion looks like a slanted oval and features a slit rather than a round opening, you have a female.