Games to Make & Play With Your Bunny

Are you looking for ways to keep your pet bunny entertained? There are many activities that will provide hours of entertainment for you and your bunny. Providing opportunities for physical activity will keep your bunny happy and healthy. It is also important to interact with your bunny regularly to maintain a strong bond between you and your pet.
  1. Obstacle Course

    • An obstacle course can challenge your pet physically and mentally. You should be able to find plenty of supplies around the house. Try to offer a variety of movements in the course. Look for objects that your bunny can climb up, down, over, under, around and through. Find a long cardboard box and open both ends so your bunny can walk through it. Use a board to make a ramp that leads up to a chair and use boxes to make stairs going back down. Line up some dining room chairs in a row to make a tunnel. The possibilities are endless. Just be creative and keep your bunny's safety in mind.

    Find the Food

    • All you need for this game is food. Food can be an effective motivational tool for a rabbit. Chop up some fresh vegetables into small chunks to use as treats. Take your bunny to a small enclosed area such as a bedroom or bathroom. First, try putting the treat somewhere that is at a distance but still visible to the bunny. After he retrieves the first treat, increase the difficulty by hiding the next treat out of sight. This will challenge the bunny to use his sight and sense of smell. Once your rabbit has mastered this task, try covering the treat with a small basket to add even more of a challenge. This game should be played in moderation to avoid overfeeding.

    Cardboard Creations

    • Cardboard is an inexpensive and useful material for constructing toys for your bunny. You can build an extravagant castle or create something simple out of a couple of toilet paper rolls. You can also make cardboard cutouts and hang them from the top of the cage. Hang them just low enough to allow your bunny to reach the objects. Be aware that cardboard may be made from toxic dyes and ingesting these can be harmful to your pet. To make sure your bunny is not eating the cardboard objects you are creating, look for cardboard shavings in the cage. If there are not many shavings, he is probably eating the cardboard.

    Follow the Leader

    • This game can be played indoors or outdoors. Set your bunny down and simply start walking. Some bunnies will be interested in following a person and some will not. Do not take it personally if your bunny is more interested in sniffing the grass than following your trail. If he does want to follow you, take him on a tour of the area and remember to offer him rewards for staying close.