How to Clip a Rabbit's Nails

Domesticated rabbits need to have their nails clipped about every three weeks. However, because of the rabbit's flight instincts, this simple task can be fraught with frustration for the owner and fear for the rabbit. Following some basic grooming steps can result in a safe and stress-free nail trimming session for you and your pet rabbit.

Things You'll Need

  • Nail clippers sized for small dog
  • Partner
  • Flashlight
  • Cotton/bandages
  • Rabbit treats
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    • 1

      Gently place one hand on the rabbit's lower back just above the tail and the other hand at its chest. In a swift motion flip the rabbit onto its back, nestled in the crook of the first hand's arm. Be sure that the rabbit is calm and secure. If it begins to kick immediately right the rabbit and return it to a safe surface. Kicking can lead to serious back injuries in rabbits.

    • 2

      Once the rabbit is securely flipped, have a second person aim a flashlight at the rabbit's nails. This will help identify the quick. The quick is a thin pink vein that is normally easy to identify in rabbits with light-colored nails. If the rabbit has dark nails, the flashlight will help locate the quick.

    • 3

      Begin clipping the rabbit's nails. This can be done by the person holding the rabbit or by the helper holding the flashlight. Be sure to avoid cutting through the quick. Instead, cut a few millimeters in front of the quick.

      Cutting the quick will not only hurt and scare your rabbit, making nail clipping more difficult both in the present and future, but it will also cause the exposed quick to bleed.

    • 4

      If the nail begins to bleed, staunch the flow with cotton or bandages. Make sure that the bleeding has stopped before returning the rabbit to its enclosure.

    • 5

      Once all of the rabbit's nails have been clipped, flip the rabbit back over to its feet in the same sure motion as in Step 1. Reward the rabbit with a treat and return it to its home.