How to Build Shelves for a Rabbit Barn

Rabbits are popular pets as well as farm animals. Although one or two rabbits are usually kept in small cages, once the rabbit population begins to expand, it's better to place the rabbits in an outdoor shed or barn. This gives the rabbits plenty of room to run around. Installing shelf units in the interior of the barn gives the rabbits a place to sleep as well as a place to create their nests. Since the shelves need to be functional rather than attractive, they are fairly simple to build.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Wooden boards, 4 to 8 inches wide
  • Saw
  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Shelf brackets and standards
  • Drill with 1/8-inch drill bit
  • Screwdriver
  • 2 1/2-inch screw
  • Level
  • 1 1/4-inch screws
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    • 1

      Place a tape measure against the interior wall of the barn and measure the distance between the two longest walls. This is how long of a board you will need for each shelf. If the barn is extremely large, then simply buy the longest board possible and make the shelves that length. The boards should be at least 4 to 8 inches wide so that the rabbits can sit comfortably.

    • 2

      Utilize a saw to cut the wood into the correct lengths that were previously measured.

    • 3

      Place a stud finder against the wall of the barn to locate the studs. Move the stud finder over the wall until it lights up. Some stud finders also emit an audible beep when a stud is located. Mark the location of the wall studs with a pencil.

    • 4

      Hold one of the standards up to the barn wall and mark the top and bottom holes with a pencil. The standard is the long piece of metal that contains holes in it for the shelves. Remove the shelf standard and use a drill with a 1/8-inch drill bit to create a hole in each of the marked locations.

    • 5

      Place the shelf standard back into position and use a screwdriver to insert a 2 1/2-inch screw through the top and bottom holes. Insert additional screws into any remaining screw holes of the standard. Depending on the length of the standard, there may be an additional two to three holes.

    • 6

      Measure a distance of 32 inches to the left or right of the installed shelf standard and mark the position for the second standard. Repeat the process for installing the second standard, making sure that the top of the standard is even with the first standard. Hold a level on top of the two standards to ensure they are even.

    • 7

      Install all of the shelf brackets by inserting the slotted end into the shelf standards at a 45-degree angle and then letting the bottom of the bracket drop down. The lowest shelf should be 8 inches above the floor and the shelves should be spaced 12 inches apart to provide adequate room for the rabbits.

    • 8

      Place a single board on top of the uppermost shelving unit and use a screwdriver to insert a 1 1/4-inch screw through the bottom of the bracket up into the wooden board. Repeat this on each side of the board and with all remaining boards.