Two types of hair loss occur in rabbits. The pattern or amount of hair loss may identify whether it is a primary or normal hair loss, or a secondary hair loss caused by preventable factors.
Causes of Hair Loss
Primary causes of hair loss include normal shedding and nest building. Secondary causes are diseases or parasitic infections, nutritional deficiencies, dental problems, over-grooming, or from one rabbit pulling out another's fur in an act of dominance or aggression.
A veterinarian can diagnose the cause of hair loss through a biopsy of the skin, blood tests, X-rays or urine analysis.
Keeping cages clean and making sure each rabbit receives well-balanced meals with plenty of protein will help to prevent hair loss, as will housing adult rabbits in separate cages to avoid aggression.
Treatment for hair loss depends on the cause. A veterinarian will diagnose the rabbit's condition and prescribe medication or recommend dietary changes.