Treatment of Mange Mites in Rabbits

Mange mites, or Sarcoptes mites, are tiny parasites that burrow into the skin of animals like dogs, cats and rabbits. In the case of rabbits, mange mites cause white, foul-smelling crusts to form on the skin and require treatment in order to prevent complications from the infection.
  1. Function

    • The purpose of mange mite treatment is to kill the parasites using prescription drugs.


    • Moxidectin is the most common treatment for mange mites. This prescription medication is administered through an injection and is available under a number of different brand names.

    Time Frame

    • For the treatment of mange mites, rabbits receive one injection every 14 days, according to Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue. If the rabbit has any sores, benzyl benzoate is applied to the wounds every five days.


    • To prevent mange mite re-infection, vacuum your carpeting and use boric acid or acaricide to kill any mites. Throw away any bedding that your rabbit slept on.


    • Untreated mange mites have the potential to cause severe shortages of white blood cells in rabbits, which is eventually fatal.