Rabbit Eye Diseases

Rabbits' eyes are not only sensitive to light but are prone to inflammation when the body is invaded by infection. Rabbit eye infections should be treated immediately by a veterinarian; untreated or poorly treated infections can spread to other organs of the rabbit's body causing death. Therefore, it is imperative to catch the infection in its early stages. Following are the most common types of infections and what to look for in order to treat the infection before it spreads.
  1. Types

    • The most common types of rabbit eye infections include pasteurellosis bacteria, abscesses and conjunctivitis.


    • Pasteurellosis bacteria and conjunctivitis are characterized as a red, swollen eye with pus collected in the corner. An abscess is a bump around the vicinity of the eye.


    • The pasteurellosis bacterium is often seen in over-populated breeding farms with chronically infected does and her litter. Conjunctivitis is caused from a sinus infection while abscesses can be caused by different types of bacteria.


    • Aggressive antibiotics, creams or drops are the common treatment of bacteria and conjunctivitis. Abscesses, however, will need to be surgically removed along with the use of antibiotics.


    • Condition can worsen if a rabbit is exposed to overcrowded areas, extreme temperatures and malnutrition. Have a vet examine the rabbit before purchase and visit the breeder's farm to get an idea of the overall health of the doe and buck.