The Florida white rabbit originated in the United States. Breeders produced the breed by crossing white New Zealand, albino American Dutch and white Polish rabbits.
Florida white rabbits have compact bodies and small bones. They usually weigh between four and six pounds. Typical features include white fur, pink eyes and stiff ears.
Florida white rabbits are gentle in nature. They make good show animals and family pets. The average lifespan of this breed is five to eight years.
Pet owners should keep their Florida white rabbits indoors. However, the rabbit's cage must be large enough so that it can move around comfortably.
Pet owners should feed their Florida white rabbits a diet of green, leafy vegetables and fruit. Rabbits must also have access to clean water and hay to aid digestion.
Florida White Rabit Information
The Florida white rabbit is a very popular breed. The American Rabbit Breeders Association officially recognized the Florida white rabbit in 1967. Breeders sought to produce a breed that would be more suitable as laboratory animals and as pets.