Rabbits are friendly and playful animals. When properly socialized, they provide hours of enjoyment. They make great house pets and can even be litter-trained.
There are over 50 rabbit breeds that range in size from the dwarf breeds that weigh an average of 3 lbs., to the larger breeds that can weigh up to 13 lbs. There are even giant breeds that can range from 14 to well over 16 lbs.
Rabbits should be kept in cages that are large enough to allow them to move about. They can be kept inside, or housed in outside hutches that protect them from the elements and predators.
Rabbits have a fairly sensitive digestive system. It is therefore best to give them feed pellets, fresh hay and just the occasional carrots, fresh grass or clover.
Hutches should be kept clean so that rabbits aren't sitting in their own mess. Rabbits require very little upkeep, although their nails should be clipped, their fur brushed and their ears checked for waxy buildup. Rabbits can live from five to 15 years, depending on the care they receive and their breed.