Things You'll Need
- Advantage topical flea treatment
- Flea comb
- Rabbit-safe flea powder
- Glass
- Alcohol
- Flea room spray
Apply a rabbit-safe flea powder. Select a flea powder that contains a 5 percent concentration of carbaryl insecticide. Sprinkle the flea powder on your rabbit's coat and use your fingers to work it down to the skin.
Use a flea comb. Work the fine teeth of the flea comb through the rabbit's coat, starting at the skin and working upward. Capture any fleas caught by the comb, and place them in a glass of alcohol or water to kill them.
Spray your rabbit's room with a flea-targeted room spray. Remove your rabbit from the room. Cover surfaces with the spray to kill fleas and their larvae. Keep your rabbit out of the room for at least 24 hours after spraying.
Apply a topical treatment such as Bayer's Advantage to the rabbit's skin. Use a half-dose of a single tube for dwarf rabbits and a full tube for larger rabbit breeds.