How to Trim Your Rabbit's Nails

It is very important to trim your rabbit's nails on a regular basis. Since your rabbit likely spends little time on rough surfaces, its nails will not wear down naturally. Nails that are too long and too sharp can hurt the animal, and they can certainly hurt you as well. If you are trimming your rabbits nails for the first time, it may be better for you to have a veterinarian show you the proper way to do the job. This can over time become a simple process, but it can be very intimidating the first time.

Things You'll Need

  • Large towel
  • Small wash cloth
  • Small animal nail clippers
  • Flower or corn starch
  • A helper, if available
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      Make sure your rabbit is firmly secured. To do this, wrap the animal in a large towel, exposing only one foot at a time to be worked on.

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      While you have the rabbit's foot exposed, take an old wash cloth or rag and press your rabbit's toe nail through it. This will push the hair back and make it easier for you to see the proper place to trim the nail.

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      Your rabbit's nail should have a slight curve to it. The nail should be cut about 1/8 to 1/4 inch beyond the quick, which is the blood-filled tissue at the center of the nail. It should be cut at about a 30-degree angle from the foot. This will help with the natural process of filing the nails.

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      If your rabbit has light colored nails, you should be able to use a flashlight to shine through a nail and determine where the quick ends. If your rabbit has dark colored nails, this will be more difficult and you should only cut a small portion at a time to make sure you are not cutting them too close to the quick.

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      Take your time when cutting the rabbit's nails and let go if your rabbit begins to struggle with you. Better safe than sorry -- cutting into the quick is a bloody process, and it can make both you and the rabbit gun-shy of the process.

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      If you should happen to cut into the quick of your rabbit's nails, make sure you have some styptic powder ready. You can buy this at most pet supply centers. If you don't have any, simple kitchen flour can work as well. Wipe away any blood and press the powder into the cut. This will help the blood clot. If it is a minor cut, applying a small amount of pressure for a few seconds also works well.

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      The rabbit's cuticle will grow larger if the nails are not well-maintained. If you begin to properly care for your rabbit's nails, they will stay shorter. Another benefit of trimming your rabbits nails on a regular basis is that your rabbit will become more accustomed to the process and you will be more comfortable with it as well.