How to Take Care of a Pet Bunny Rabbit

The cuteness of a bunny is hard to ignore. Rabbits may be easy to love, but they're not quite so easy to care for.

Things You'll Need

  • A cage that's at least 5 times his size
  • A litter box (if you plan on litter box training)
  • Proper food and water as well as veges (like carrots, lettuce, collard greens, etc)
  • Hay for the cage
  • love
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      Make sure you have space for your new furry friend as well as the time and resources to care for him or her. This is a huge commitment. Rabbits, if taken care of properly will live 10 years+.

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      It is not advisable to keep your rabbit outdoors, they are very sensitive to temperatures so a moderate home climate is ideal.

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      Just like cats, rabbits can easily learn to use a litter box. Place a litter box in the cage to encourage this behavior. If your rabbit roams freely through multiple rooms of your home, it's a good idea to have litter boxes in several places. Many rabbits enjoy spending time relaxing in their litter box, so make sure that it is of ample size. For bedding (litter), stay away from wood shavings, especially cedar and pine, which may cause liver damage or trigger allergic reactions in rabbits. Also avoid clumping or dusty kitty litters, which can cause serious health problems if eaten. Instead, stick with organic litters made of paper, wood pulp, or citrus. Newspaper can work too, but may not be as absorbent. Be sure to put fresh hay in the litter box daily, as many rabbits like to have a snack while sitting in their litter box.Rabbits need hay-specifically, Timothy grass hay. Rabbits should have access to a constant supply of this hay, which aids their digestive systems and provides the necessary fiber to help prevent health problems such as hair balls, diarrhea, and obesity. Alfalfa hay, on the other hand, should only be given to adult rabbits in very limited quantities, if at all, because it's high in protein, calcium, and calories.

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      Make sure to change their water daily and give them fresh food. Clean their cage daily as well. You want to make sure that the living space is comfortable as also. Put down a soft blanket for your bunny to sleep on or put out a cat bed for him or her. If they are keep in a cage the wire from the cage can hurt the pads of their feet so they need something comfortable to lay on.

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      Rabbits are complex creatures-socially, psychologically, and physiologically. They require a great deal of special care and supervision. If you make the decision to add rabbits to your family, please don't buy from a pet store; instead, adopt from your local animal shelter or rabbit adoption group.