How to Perform CPR on a Rabbit

Pets can have as many emergency situations as humans and pets can become very ill or even die if not treated right away. Most pets' friendly demeanor goes away immediately once they become sick and they are not to happy about being handled by humans. But when your pet falls unconscious and you can't make it to the vet in time, you may have to perform CPR yourself. Performing CPR on your pet rabbit is very easy to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Gauze
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    • 1

      Lay your pet rabbit on her back.

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      Check to make sure your rabbit isn't breathing before you start performing CPR. You will see his chest rising and lowering if he is breathing. Also place your ear close to his chest and listen for a heartbeat. If the rabbit doesn't have a heartbeat or isn't breathing, continue on with these CPR procedures.

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      Tilt back the rabbit head to open the throat airway. If you don't want to place your mouth directly on your rabbit, place a piece of gauze over the rabbit's nose area.

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      Hold the rabbit's mouth shut. Seal your mouth over the rabbit's nose. Blow five small breathes into the rabbit. Breathe just big enough to make the rabbit's chest raise.

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      Check for a heartbeat again on the large vein on the inside of the rabbit's hind legs. If there is no heartbeat, grab the highest part of the chest with your pointer finger and thumb. Gently squeeze this area once per second. After a minute, give the rabbit five breaths again, and then compress the chest again. Continue this process while on the way to the vet.