How to Choose Pet Rabbit Hutches

Pet rabbit hutches are a must if you're going to purchase a pet rabbit. If you've never had a pet rabbit before then you will be clueless as to what's best for your bunny and for you. I say you, because you're the one who will have to clean it. Many people don't consider this when they're looking for rabbit hutches. All they know is they want the adorable little bunny they held in the pet shop.


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      When I went to look at pet rabbit hutches I had no idea what to look for and I didn't know anything about how to care for a pet rabbit either. All I knew is I had fell in love with an adorable little bunny and had to give him a place to live. Lucky for me I chose a good one and at the time it was around $90. Then I had to get bunny supplies too like a water bottle, bowl, bunny board, toys and food.

      The first thing you need to consider when choosing pet rabbit hutches is where you're going to put it. Inside or outside. I ended up with 2 hutches, a cage and a carrier. I have a hutch outside so he can get fresh air and one inside for bedtime and bad weather. I have a cage in the basement and use it to take to the bunny sitter when I go out of town. I put him in it often so he will be familiar with it, this way when he has to stay there when I'm gone he's not agitated.

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      The difference in the cage and the hutch is the hutch has legs and is usually elevated. The elevation helps to protect them from predators. If a pet rabbit is left on the ground in a cage a dog or other large animal can turn the cage over and most likely get the bunny and kill it. A pet rabbit in this situation may die just from fright, so an elevated hutch is best if your pet rabbit is going to be outside.

      I have my pet rabbit hutch wired to the fence as well so it cannot be knocked over, in other words, it's extremely secure.

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      You also need to think about the size of your pet rabbit. If it's a smaller type like a dwarf you can get by with a smaller cage/hutch. If you have a larger rabbit then you want him to have room to stretch out and get around. My pet rabbit has the run of the house and is litter trained, so he gets to play a lot and exercise.

      However, when I'm gone bunny must be confined to his hutch/cage. If not he will chew up everything he can. If I'm watching him he won't do it, but soon as I leave he will get busy tearing up the entire house.

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      You must keep pet rabbit hutches clean. Rabbits are clean freaks they're always licking and cleaning themselves. Another issue to consider is that their urine has a very strong odor. The best type of hutch/cage is one that has a pan underneath so that all the droppings fall below and your pet rabbit isn't left sitting in it.

      I take the pan outside and wash it with a hose and liquid soap.Then I line it with newspapers and place shredded paper on top. You also need a bunny board for him to sit on, the cage hurts their feet. The board is made of particle board or thick cardboard.

      Now you know what to look for while shopping for pet rabbit hutches so that your bunny will have a safe and comfy home all of his own.