If your rabbit's cage doesn't fit in your vehicle, find a comfortable and functional rabbit carrier. Dog and cat carriers aren't as easy to use because they don't open from the top.
Get your rabbit used to the carrier at home by putting some treats or toys in it and letting him explore. You can also leave him in the carrier for short periods.
Do some short practice trips with your rabbit to get her ready for the longer trip. It will take some time to get a rabbit accustomed to the movement of the vehicle.
Plan your stops along the way and hotel stays ahead of time at places that allow pets.
Gather the necessities for the trip, including your rabbit's normal food, water from home, a water bottle to attach to the carrier, pellets and hay, newspaper and litter/litter box (if your rabbit is litter trained). Also be sure to bring along cleaning supplies for stress-related accidents. You should also have on hand your rabbit's medical records and a health certificate from your vet. If you are staying at a hotel, a dog exercise pen makes great overnight housing for your rabbit.
How to Travel With a Rabbit
Although rabbits are not too fond of traveling, there may come a time when they have to. For instance-- if you're moving--Fluffy will have to as well. Here are some ways to make your rabbit's road trip more pleasant.