A bunny that is excited will have a tense body and an upright tail.
An angry bunny that is ready to fight or to defend himself will lay his ears flat back on his head. When he does this, watch out for his front paws and claws. They are his first weapon of choice, and they can do a lot of damage.
A bunny that rubs his chin on things is marking his territory. He’s saying, “This is mine!”
If a bunny nudges you with his nose or digs on the floor or blankets, he wants more attention.
A bunny gives kisses (licks) to show affection.
If your bunny is tired of being petted, he will push your hand away with his nose.
A rabbit that stands on his hind legs wants to see something or get somewhere he can’t get to.
When a bunny lies down with his belly to the floor, his eyes half shut and his ears back, he’s tired and wants to rest.
A very happy bunny rolls on his side or back.
A rabbit that tucks his paws under his body when he is resting is cold.
How to Read Bunny Body Language
You don’t need to be Dr. Doolittle to understand what your bunny is trying to communicate. You just need to pay attention to his body language to know whether he is happy, sad, hungry, tense or grumpy. Here are a few tips on how to read your rabbit.