How to Feed Greens to a Rabbit

Greens should be made to be a part of your rabbits' diet. You need to introduce them slowly to your pet rabbits if they have never eaten greens before.


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      Decide which green you would like to start your rabbit out with. Good greens to feed to your rabbit are, spinach and kale (to be fed only occasionally) broccoli (in small amounts), celery (cut up in small pieces) dandelion leaves (not the flowers), Romaine lettuce, parsley, cilantro, dill or any herb.

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      Start slowly with a rabbit who has never eaten greens before. Give your rabbit a small amount on the first day.

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      Watch your rabbit, especially young rabbits, after he eats the greens to see how it may or may not affect him. For example, broccoli causes painful and sometimes harmful gas in some rabbits. Look at the rabbit's stool for diarrhea as well as his behavior.

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      Discontinue feeding the greens that negatively affect your rabbit.

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      Add a little more of the green you have started your rabbit out with. Every few days add just a little more until your rabbit becomes accustomed to eating these greens.

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      Introduce a new green after a week or so. Do not start another green until you have fed your rabbit a new green for at least a week or more in order to see how each green may affect your rabbit.