How to Choose Pet Rabbit Bedding and Cages

Pet rabbits provide fun and companionship to their owners. In return, owners should know how to care for their rabbits' health. With a variety of products available to help, you and your pet rabbit will thrive in your new relationship.


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      Select a rabbit cage or hutch that fits your pet. Rabbits cages come in a variety of sizes, so make sure you don't purchase one that's too small.

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      Make sure the hutch has a solid bottom to preserve your rabbit's health. Rabbits tend to get infected hocks, or hind legs, when they're allowed to live on wire mesh with no relief. A large rabbit condo consisting of some mesh homes is fine, provided it also has a large, solid surface.

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      Choose a home for your rabbit that has open sides of some sort. Animal aquariums are good for many pets but not for rabbits, who need ventilation.

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      Fill the bottom of the cage with a rabbit-appropriate filler. There are a variety available at all pet stores and most grocery stores.

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      Provide a litter box for your rabbit. Most rabbits naturally litter train themselves if you give them a litter box either inside or outside of the cage.