Remove him from the cage tail first, trying to pull him towards you face first will scare him and cause him to resist. Firmly grasp him around the middle and gently pull him towards the cage door.
Place one hand around his middle, behind his shoulders and use your other hand to support his hind end. Hold him close to your body so he feels secure and doesn't struggle.
Hold your rabbit with his head slightly higher than its body. This will keep him from being able to kick out of your hands.
Practice regularly so he knows that being picked up by you isn't a bad thing. Give him plenty of time to get used to you by gently petting him while he is on the ground and while he is in your arms.
How to Pick up a Bunny Rabbit
Rabbits are ground dwelling creatures and don't really enjoy being picked up. If you know how to properly pick up your pet bunny you can ensure that he feels safe and secure when you handle him.