How to Teach a Rabbit not to Scratch

Rabbits make great pets because they're so full of personality. But if they start to scratch you or your belongings, they can become more trouble than their worth. Find out how to teach your pet not to scratch.


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      Don't pick up your rabbit after bringing him home. Get down on the floor and let your bunny come to you for play. Pick up your pet only when necessary. As your rabbit learns to trust you, you will be able to pick him up without fear of being scratched.

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      Create a place for your bunny to burrow to deter him from scratching at your carpet. Put a piece of carpet inside an enclosed area, and watch as the bunny digs at it and flings it into the opening of it's burrow to cover it completely. Replace the carpet frequently so the rabbit won't be tempted to go back to its old ways.

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      Put your bunny in "time out" when it scratches. Rabbits love the attention they receive from their owners, so you may teach them not to scratch by isolating them for a short period.

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      Remember that scratching is something the rabbit does naturally, so the focus of your training is really on teaching your rabbit not to scratch at inappropriate things. Giving them plenty of things they can scratch is sure to make for a happy rabbit and a happy owner.