How to Buy Rabbit Toys

Toys for rabbits are a must for any owners. Toys promote satisfy chewing needs, help with boredom, help your rabbit get exercise and in general, keep rabbits healthier and happier. Toys keep rabbits from destroying things out of boredom. But there are some things to keep in mind when buying toys for your rabbit.


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      Choose a variety of toys. Rabbits need toys for chewing, climbing and for tossing around their cage. A variety of toys will keep them from getting bored. Rotate the toys every few weeks.

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      Consider getting toys with food or a treat inside of it. Rabbits seem to enjoy toys that dispense a treat when they roll or toss them.

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      Take your rabbit's personality into consideration when buying rabbit toys. Watch your rabbit to see if it enjoys chewing, licking, climbing or throwing things around its cage. If they like to chew, a chewing toy would be great. If your rabbit likes to lick things, a small stuffed animal would be perfect. If your rabbit likes to throw things, nearly any small plastic toy would work. If your rabbit likes to climb, purchase things she can climb on or crawl beneath.

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      Make sure your rabbit toys are safe. Watch for pointy or sharp edges in toys. Make sure it won't splinter or contain paint that may be harmful for your rabbit if swallowed. Constantly check the cage to make sure your rabbit hasn't chewed off any part of their toy. If they have, discard it.