How to Feed Rabbits

Rabbits are herbivores. The pet rabbit must get all its nutrients from commercial feed or pellets, whereas its wild cousins get theirs from nature.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy Feeding Dishes
  • Rabbit Bottle Waterers
  • Rabbit Cages
  • Rabbit Feeders
  • Rabbit Feeds
  • Rabbit Salt Spools
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      Provide fresh water daily. Clean the rabbit's water source once a week.

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      Pick a good brand of commercial feed. Do not keep changing feeds as this may cause an upset stomach for your pet.

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      Feed once a day. Feed just enough feed for a 24-hour period. Mature bucks and dry does need 4 to 6 ounces of feed per day. Increase the amount given to a doe with a litter.

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      Keep a salt spool in each hutch.