What Do I Do When My Bunny Tears a Nail?

Bunnies have nails similar to those of your dog and cat. When your bunny is playing, especially outdoors or on rough surfaces, he can snag his nail on something and tear it. Tearing a nail is painful for your bunny and, depending on the severity of the tear, may require veterinary treatment.
  1. Assess the Injury

    • A torn nail can be a relatively minor ouchie or a serious injury for your bunny. When you first notice your bunny has torn a nail, you will need to take a moment to assess the severity of the tear. The severity of the tear will determine how it needs to be treated. A broken nail with no blood showing, no limping and no signs of pain will not need further treatment. A bunny who is bleeding slightly due to a break that occurs somewhere in the middle section of the nail will need different treatment than a bunny who has completely ripped his nail off his paw at the base.

    Broken Nails

    • Your first job as a bunny owner is to stop the bleeding. Hold your bunny's paw gently in a towel and apply pressure to the nail until the bleeding drops. If you desire, apply styptic powder -- which is available in drug stores -- to the end of the nail to stop the bleeding. Call your veterinarian if the nail does not stop bleeding in a timely matter or if you are concerned your bunny is losing a significant amount of blood.

    When the Nail Is Ripped Off

    • If the nail is completely ripped off, you need to hold a towel on the nail and try to stop the bleeding as best as possible while on your way to the veterinarian's office. Infection can be a serious concern when the nail is broken all the way off, your veterinarian will need to clean the area on the paw where the nail broke off and provide medicine to prevent infections from occuring.

    After Care

    • You will need to take extra measures to keep your bunny's living environment clean while he heals. Remove all dirt and debris while keeping his bedding clean and fresh. Your bunny's foot may hurt for awhile after the nail is broken, so do not force him to walk on the leg if he does not want to. Give him plenty of space and handle him carefully to avoid causing him pain.