Can You Use a Cat Flea Collar on a Rabbit?

Fleas aren't picky. They'll be happy to hop on any warm host to grab a snack. That means your rabbit is just as susceptible to fleas as your dog and cat are. Whether flea season only lasts for a few months or is year-round where you live, you should be prepared with a plan for controlling and eliminating fleas on your rabbit, but leave flea collars off your list of rabbit-safe treatments.
  1. Toxic Effects

    • Flea collars for cats have a toxic effect on bunnies because they're treated with a chemical insecticide. Typically the dose that is applied to a cat collar is stronger than a rabbit can handle, regardless of how big or small your bunny is.

    Collars Aren't Tolerated Well

    • Cat flea collars aren't a wise choice for treating your rabbit for fleas because her neck isn't strong enough to withstand injury if the collar gets caught on something or if she tries to remove it herself. Since rabbits don't like anything put around their necks, an attempt to escape a flea collar is a genuine danger.

    Limited Treatment Options

    • Although there are shelves full of flea treatments for dogs and cats, rabbits don't have as wide a selection when it comes to controlling the little bloodsuckers. Most chemical flea treatments, including shampoos, haven't been tested as rabbit-safe, and you shouldn't bathe a bunny, anyway. Flea powder is safe and may be helpful. The Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine states that manufacturers of cat-formulated flea powders take into consideration that your pet will lick herself during grooming and will likely swallow small amounts of the powder, so poisoning is unlikely. Imidacloprid -- commonly known as Advantage -- has been tested safe for use on rabbits. Talk to your rabbit's veterinarian if you're considering using imidacloprid. He can advise you on a safe doseage; it's always best to consult an experienced vet regarding the health and treatment of your bunny.

    Non-Toxic Treatment Solutions

    • Since putting a flea collar on your bun isn't an option, you'll have to look for other ways to control fleas. Combing her with a flea comb isn't an absolute solution, but it will give her a bit of relief from the parasites. Additionally, a grooming session provides some quality time with your bunny that you'll both enjoy. Thoroughly cleaning your house on a regular basis, like vacuuming two to three times a week and deep-cleaning the carpets every three or four months, will keep a handle on the fleas in your home and help ensure it stays flea-free.