What is an adaptation that a desert rabbit might have to survive in its habitat?

Larger ears: Desert rabbits have larger ears than other rabbits which help them to dissipate heat. The increased surface area of the ears allows for more heat to be released, helping the rabbit to stay cool in the hot desert environment.

Long legs: Desert rabbits have long legs that allow them to move quickly across the hot sand. This adaptation helps them to avoid predators and find food and water more efficiently.

Nocturnal behavior: Desert rabbits are mostly nocturnal, meaning that they are active at night when the temperatures are cooler. This helps them to avoid the extreme heat of the day and conserve water.

Ability to store water: Desert rabbits have the ability to store water in their bodies, which helps them to survive in the dry desert environment. They can extract water from the plants they eat and store it for later use.

Light-colored fur: Desert rabbits have light-colored fur that helps them to reflect the sun's rays and stay cool. This adaptation helps them to blend in with the desert environment and avoid predators.

Behavioral adaptations: Desert rabbits also display behavioral adaptations to survive in the desert, such as seeking shelter in burrows or under rocks during the day, and coming out to feed at night when temperatures are cooler. They may also reduce their activity levels during the day to conserve water and energy.