Why do rabbits eat cardbord?

Curiosity: Exploring new objects is natural behavior for rabbits. Cardboard often entices them because it is a novel material with an interesting texture.

Digestion: Rabbits have an instinctive desire to chew and gnaw on various materials, including cardboard, which can help wear down their continuously growing teeth.

Scent: Recycled cardboard or cardboard used in packaging may carry enticing scents, such as those from food residues, which can attract rabbits.

Nutritional Value: Some rabbits may nibble on cardboard as they seek additional fiber in their diet, although cardboard offers minimal nutritional value.

Comfort: Rabbits sometimes shred or chew cardboard to create their nesting areas, seeking comfort and warmth from the fibrous material.

It's important to note that consuming large amounts of cardboard can cause digestive problems in rabbits. If you find your rabbit showing excessive interest in cardboard, ensure it is only occasional and that your pet has access to a healthy and balanced diet, such as hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables.