How long does it take to deliver baby bunnies?

The gestation period for rabbits (the time between mating and birth) is typically around 28-32 days, with an average of about 31 days. This means that from the time the male rabbit mates with the female, it takes about a month for the babies to be born.

The actual birthing process (the time it takes for the babies to be delivered once labor has started) can vary from about 15 minutes to several hours, depending on the individual rabbit and the number of babies being born. The average litter size for rabbits is between 4 and 12 babies, but some rabbits can have as many as 20 babies in a single litter.

During the birthing process, the mother rabbit will typically build a nest out of hay or other soft material and use her own fur to line the nest. She will then give birth to the babies one at a time, and each baby will be born with a thin membrane that needs to be removed. The mother rabbit will typically lick the babies clean and remove the membrane, and she will then nurse them until they are weaned at around 4-5 weeks of age.