1. Bluegrass: This is a widely available grass that rabbits find palatable and nutritious. Bluegrass is rich in fiber, which is important for maintaining proper digestion in rabbits.
2. Timothy hay: This is a popular type of hay that is often fed to rabbits as part of their regular diet. Timothy hay has lower protein and calcium content compared to other grasses, making it suitable for adult rabbits.
3. Orchard grass: Orchard grass is another common choice for feeding rabbits. It is higher in protein and fiber content compared to Timothy hay, making it suitable for growing rabbits or those that need extra nutrients.
4. Bermuda grass: This warm-season grass is suitable for rabbits, but it should be monitored for potential herbicide treatments applied in lawns.
5. Ryegrass: Ryegrass is primarily used as a cover crop but can be fed to rabbits as well.
6. Oat hay: Oat hay can be fed to rabbits, but it should be used in moderation due to its higher protein and calcium content.
7. Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass is considered a treat for rabbits and should not form a significant portion of their diet due to its high protein and carbohydrate content.
When providing grass to rabbits, it's important to ensure it is free from chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides. It's always best to obtain grass from reputable sources or grow it yourself to control its quality. Additionally, grass should be introduced slowly into a rabbit's diet to prevent digestive issues.