Why are dust bunnies called bunnies?

The origin of the term "dust bunny" is unclear. There are a few theories as to how the name came about:

1. Their tufted appearance: The soft clumps of dust that form under furniture or in corners are often compared to the shape and texture of a rabbit's fur, hence the name "dust bunnies."

2. Their elusive nature: Rabbits are known for their quick and elusive movements, and dust bunnies tend to disappear when disturbed or touched, just as a rabbit might.

3. Folklore: In some cultures, dust bunnies are believed to be household spirits or mythical creatures that appear as little furry balls. These beliefs may have contributed to the use of the term "bunny" to describe them.

4. Cultural and language variations: The term "dust bunny" may also be influenced by regional or cultural expressions. In some languages or dialects, dust bunnies are called "dust rabbits" or other variations, such as "dust motes," which further illustrates their perceived qualities.

It is likely that the term "dust bunny" emerged through a combination of visual similarities, folklore, and everyday language use over time.