How to Build a Rat Play Area

Rats need time outside their cage every day to explore and play. If you are too busy to supervise your rats closely, it is a good idea to create a play area rather than letting them just run loose. Rats have a tendency to chew things, including cables, books and anything plastic. If you aren't watching your pets carefully, you might discover various items shredded up later. You can create a play area in a pen or assemble various items to set up in a small, secure room such as a bathroom.

Things You'll Need

  • Guinea pig playpen
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Cardboard tubes
  • Scissors
  • Nontoxic tape
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    • 1

      Collect old cardboard boxes of various sizes and cut rat-size holes in the sides of the larger ones.

    • 2

      Put a few healthy treats into the smallest boxes and close but don't cut any holes. Your pets can discover how to get the treats out, usually by chewing.

    • 3

      Connect some of the holes with large cardboard tubes big enough for a rat to climb through. If you don't have any such tubes, make your own by rolling up pieces of stiff cardboard and securing with tape.

    • 4

      Create a tower by securing gradually smaller boxes one on top of another with tape. Rats enjoy climbing.

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      Place all your cardboard items in the pen or small room with the tower in the middle.

    • 6

      Put your rats in the play area and leave them there for as long as possible. If you are using a pen, keep an eye on them just in case one finds a way out. This is more likely with female rats.

    • 7

      Throw away any cardboard boxes or tubes that become soiled and replace with new ones next time.