Rat Clicker Training

Clicker training includes a command, an audible cue and a treat to generate results. Clicker training is primarily applied to dogs but is also effective as a training method for rats and other small animals. The clicker sound tells the rat that it responded to the command properly and that a reward is due, conditioning the rat to follow commands in exchange for a treat.


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      Chose a clicker that your rat can associate with positive experiences, not one that is too loud or startling.

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      Feed your rat a favorite treat. When it receives the treat, immediately click the clicker. Repeat the process so the rat associates the clicker with the treat. This is the first step in conditioning your rat to associate the clicker with positive behavior.

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      Observe your rat to wait for a desired action such as yawning, coming to you or climbing into your hand. Click the clicker, and then give a treat. Repeat this process to condition your rat. The rat will learn to perform this action in search of a click and a treat.

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      Add verbal commands over time as the rat begins to understand the game. When it performs a desired action, give an associated word, a click and a treat. Use this technique to associate a verbal command for each desired response.