How to train your rat to come when called

Rats are very intelligent animals and can be trained to come when their name is called. However, it is important to remember that trust between your rat and yourself is very important in order for this trick to work. Also, do not over work your rat. Tricks should be fun to do and when the rat no longer thinks it is fun, it is a good idea to stop.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Set your rat about one foot in front of you and show him that you have a treat in your hand.

    • 2

      Slowly lure the rat closer to you with the treat while saying "come," his or her name or by making kissing noises. Whatever one you choose, stick with it and be consistent. By using too many commands or names you risk confusing your rat.

    • 3

      Give the rat the treat when he or she comes all the way to you. The treat is a very important positive reinforcement tool because the rat will associate your command with food.

    • 4

      Repeat steps 1 through 3 at the same distance until your rat will come when called without getting a treat.

    • 5

      Increase the distance between you are your rat and continue to say the command until it comes to you, and then give it a treat. If the rat does not come to you from a longer distance, continue to practice with the shorter distance a few more times.

    • 6

      Keep practicing from a variety of distances with your rat until she will do the trick without a treat. At this point, you can reduce how often you reward the rat with a treat.