How to Convert a Ferret Cage Into a Rat Cage

Rats and ferrets are both curious, active animals who need plenty of space to thrive. Both animals love to climb and explore. Many cages sold in pet stores as "starter" homes are simply too small to comfortably house grown rats. Rats are happiest with other rats and should be kept in same-sex pairs or groups. Often, rat owners turn to ferret cages to house their critters. Ferret cages are made larger and are an obvious solution to keeping multiple grown rats with plenty of room for toys, wheels, hammocks and hideaways.

Things You'll Need

  • Ferret cage
  • Tape measure
  • Half-inch square mesh or chicken wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Cloth, cardboard or wood
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      Measure the width between the bars of the ferret cage. If there is more than a 1/2-inch of space between bars, the rat may be able to escape---especially if the rat is a baby---or get their head caught between the bars. In this case, cover the bars in vinyl-coated 1/2-inch square mesh or chicken wire.

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      Remove or cover any wire bottoms. These are difficult on rat feet, and rats may get feet or legs caught in the spaces between bars and injure themselves. With a good pair of wire cutters, you can remove the wire bottom. Or, you can simply put down cloth, cardboard or wood to keep the rat's feet off the wire.

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      Add hammocks, ramps, slides, tunnels, wheels and tubes. Most toys intended for ferrets will be fun and safe for rats as well.