Can You Feed a Pet Rat Cooked Pinto Beans?

Pet rats are able to eat a variety of foods, including cooked pinto beans, but pinto beans should only be given as an occasional treat, or they may make a pet rat overweight.
  1. Size

    • Pinto beans are loaded with protein, but rats do not need much protein to stay healthy. One cooked pinto bean every few days is more than enough.


    • Any new fresh food can cause diarrhea. Feed only one cooked pinto bean, and if the rat develops diarrhea, do not feed again for at least two weeks and try again with a smaller amount.

    Time Frame

    • The American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association (AFRMA) warns that all uneaten fresh food, such as cooked pinto beans, needs to be removed from the rat's cage before it starts to decay. AFRMA suggests removing all fresh food every 24 hours.


    • Do not feed raw pinto beans, even though a pet rat will eat them. According to Pet Rat Canada, raw beans may cause the rat's blood to clot.


    • Other good treats for rats besides cooked pinto beans include small pieces of fruits, vegetables and low-calorie unsweetened breakfast cereal.