How to Get Rid Of Rats And Mice

This article will explain how to get rid of rats and mice in your apartment naturally.I recently saw mice droppings in my apartment and got rid of these rodents in a few days.I refuse to use poisons to get rid of rats because firstly it is not safe and can get into your food,water or wares .So to rat poison I say no thank you.My method is cost effective and guaranteed to work read on.

Things You'll Need

  • Landlord
  • Newspapers
  • Cardboard
  • Sticky Mouse Trap/Glue Box
  • Piece Of Cheese
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      Once you notice that there are more dwellers/unwelcome guests in your home than you and your family.Look for open spaces or cracks in your home.Check your kitchen cupboards,see if there are spaces below you doors that lead to outside.

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      If there are indeed open spaces,seal holes temporarily with newspaper and cardboard until the handy man or your landlord get it fixed.

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      Now that the spaces are sealed place your small piece of cheese in the middle of the sticky trap or glue box and place the it in a strategic areas just before your bedtime.For some unknown reason mice love to run around the stove and refrigerator so placing a trap there you will be sure to catch one.

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      Once everyone is asleep and your home is dark and quiet the mice will come out.They will find the cheese because there sense of smell is sharp and will literally run towards the scent and bingo will be stuck in the trap .

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      Check your trap in the morning and once done correctly you will catch a mouse or mice in the traps that were set.

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      Get rid of mice immediately by placing in a plastic bag and disposing of it by putting your garbage outside.Now wash your hands thoroughly.